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2023-09-14 英语词典


美式发音: [ˈɡæŋɡliən] 英式发音: ['ɡæŋɡliən]


网络释义:腱鞘瘤;髓鞘囊肿;神经中枢复数:ganglions  复数:ganglia  同义词




1.神经节a mass of nerve cells

2.腱鞘囊肿(经常出现在手背)a swelling in a tendon , often at the back of the hand


n.1.a group of nerve cells2.a painful lump full of liquid on your skin, often on the back of the wrist

1.神经节 gall bladder 胆囊 ganglion 神经节 genital organs 生殖器 ...

2.腱鞘囊肿 gammon n. 腌猪后腿,胡说 ganglion n. 神经节,神经中枢,腱鞘瘤 garlic n. 蒜,大蒜 ...

4.髓鞘囊肿 gamma bistouri 伽玛刀 ganglion 髓鞘囊肿 gastrine 胃泌素 ...

5.神经中枢 gammon n. 腌猪后腿,胡说 ganglion n. 神经节,神经中枢,腱鞘瘤 garlic n. 蒜,大蒜 ...

6.神经根 ... ( 突触 ) neurotransmitter ( 神经根 ) ganglion ( 轴突 ) nerve fibre ...

7.节肿赫伯登结节(Heberden William)、结节肿(Ganglion)、de Quervain’s d


1.BACKGROUND: Trigeminal ganglion percutaneous puncture is one of the methods for the therapy of primary trigeminal neuralgia.背景:经皮三叉神经半月穿刺损毁术是治疗原发性三叉神经痛的方法之一。

2.We report on an unusual appearing ganglion cyst of the little finger in a swimmer with ossification resembling myositis ossificans.我们不寻常的报告显示腱鞘囊肿的小指头在游泳与骨化相似骨化性肌炎。

3.We report an unusual demonstration of a fistulous gas communication between the ankle joint and ganglion of the medial malleolus.我们报告之间的踝关节和踝内侧神经瘘天然气沟通不寻常的示范。

4.But unlike rods and cones, melanopsin ganglion cells send their signals to the part of the brain that regulates the body's master clock.但是,与前两者不同的是,黑视素神经节细胞将信号传送到负责调节身体主时钟的大脑区域。

5.The phloem ganglion derived directly from procambium is situated at the sites where the vascular bundle forks and is present in pairs.“韧皮部结”的发育直接来源于原形成层,发生在维管束分叉处,一般成对出现。

6.Silicon photocells were used to make an artificial 1-D ganglion cell receptive field, characterized as a Zero-crossing filter.作者用光电池组装一个人工感受野,在一维上模拟视网膜神经节细胞的零交叉滤波特性;

7.beyond or distal to a ganglion (referring especially to the unmyelinated fibers that originate from cells in autonomic ganglia).超出神经节后部或末端的(尤指发源于自主神经中枢细胞的无髓鞘神经纤维)。

8.This paper introduces mechanism and feature of the toxicity in sensory ganglion of adriamycin as well as clinical application.本文将重点介绍阿霉素对感觉神经节细胞的毒性机制、特点及其临床应用。

9.Objective To summarize the nursing experience during radiofrequency thermocoagulation of trigeminal gasserian ganglion.目的总结三叉神经半月节射频热凝术的护理经验。

10.A ganglion is a fluid-filled cyst with a myxoid matrix that occasionally occurs within muscles, tendons, and menisci.腱鞘囊肿是一种含有黏液物质的囊肿,常发生于肌肉肌腱或半月软骨。
